The drawing seems to reverberate and the expanding circles appear as if they might continue indefinitely, breaking though the nine-foot square which contains them. Light and dark regions transition in a cadence that echoes the frenetic character of the graphite marks themselves. Featuring 34 pages of drawings, the work is an early example of LeWitt’s rigorous, algorithmic process in which a set of rules, applied to generate an image, are subsequently run through all of their permutations. LeWitt had begun to work in ink washes in 1982, and this later example of his work in this medium particularly shows the range of hues that he achieved through combining the four colors that. While other scribble drawings are realized using a more gradual change of tone over a larger expanse of wall, here the different increments of scribbles are much closer together. Originally published in 1977, Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour is a classic artist’s book by preeminent conceptual artist Sol LeWitt (19282007). Wall Drawing 766 was one of several new works unveiled at the 1994 Sol LeWitt retrospective at RENN Espace in Paris. Within each ring, there are several gradations of tone, made with progressively denser areas of markings. Wall Drawing 1261, one of two scribble drawings making their debut at MASS MoCA, consists of concentric rings drawn from dense layers of scribbles, which radiate out from the center of the wall. In his final wall drawings, the scribble served as the basic unit of his work. Skip to content Welcome to our online store HOME SHOP CONTACT US JOIN OUR MAILING LIST. Throughout his career LeWitt generated complex structures using the simplest of artistic elements and gestures. An exhilarating acre of Sol LeWitts wall drawings now fills a 19th-century brick factory building at Mass MoCA, the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary. Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective MASS MoCA comprises 105 of LeWitt’s large-scale wall drawings, spanning the artist’s career from 1969 to 2007.

Takeshi Arita, Jennifer Chian, Aran Jones, Michael Benjamin Vedder Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt (Designated for Yale University Art Gallery)